SDC at the 2024 RE+ Show

SDC exhibited at RE+ 2024, North America’s largest clean energy event in Anaheim, CA. With over 40,000 attendees, 1350+ exhibits and 370 education sessions, the RE+ event encompassed multiple indoor and outdoor venues.

Clean Energy is Alive and Well

SDC Booth at REplus

There was significant global representation with over 20% of the attendees representing around 125 countries. Over 500 international exhibitors participated with Germany designated as the spotlight international country.

The show emphasized residential solar, energy storage, and hydrogen power generation. Other highlights included the Hydrogen Grand Prix competition where students from around the world competed in a hydrogen-powered RC car endurance race. An Agrivoltaics, or dual-use solar, display with live sheep was another unique presence.

We brought with us some examples of our proven solar panel testing and inspection technology. Our team had a blast talking with attendees and we are excited to see what next year has in store at RE+ 2025 in Las Vegas.

If we missed you at RE+, let’s get in touch!

Innovation Awaits: